5 Ways to Enhance Your Work Atmosphere and Boost Productivity

Change Your Work Environment. The very key to making employees more productive at work is changing the work environment they operate. Whether you work in the same Office Hoteling daily or working from home or multiple locations, there are many ways you can optimize work productivity, boost your mood at work, and enhance creativity when you change your work environment.


If you feel stressed, lonely, depressed, feeling tired, and lacking motivation at work or if you love your job and want to boost your work output and optimize results, changing your work environment is the simplest and most effective way to go. Here are 11 ways you can revamp your workspace and cope with the demands of your job:


1: Determine your focus – what kind of set up works best for you? Can you focus more on a tranquil environment like in the library, or are you more focused when there’s music or background noise like in a cafe, or can you operate better with coffee, snacks, water within your reach?

Different people have different styles of working efficiently. Some people do better when they’re in a busy public space while others are more comfortable in a quiet place. Find a booking desk and select your area in the Office Scheduling Programs or at home where you can perform your best and that you can work for a very long period. If you prefer working alone but could not find a quiet place, find a corner in the café or office and try using earplugs. If you prefer to work with noise, plugging an earplug on both ears will create the background noise for you to work.


2: Create a work ritual – To-Do Lists, List of Tasks, and Work-Only Zone.

Create To-Do Lists and List of Tasks according to priority ahead of time using DeskFlex MS Exchange Integration. Lists can significantly help you focus on what tasks to prioritize every day. Update your files after every shift so you can gear up for the next day’s work.


In addition to creating a list of tasks and things-to-do, create a work-only zone to condition your mind that this area in the office, home, or coffee shop is your work zone. Put your phone in a silent mode and avoid multitasking – i.e., chatting with your friends, watching Netflix, browsing social media. Doing so many things at the same time can end disastrously at times since your attention and focus are all over the place and not at the particular task at hand.


Start your day by practicing uplifting mood activities such as eating a good meal, sipping your favorite tea or coffee, or working out to jump start your productivity mood. Consistency is the key to creating your ‘work-only zone’ and separating it from your recreational and home time.


3: Remove unnecessary items on your desk.

There is a saying that correlates a cluttered desk is a sign of dispersed thought process. This saying proves true for most people as clutter distracts your thoughts and hampers your productivity level. Get rid of items that crowd your desk. Keep only the things that you need. IF your workspace has too many things, it can be challenging to find the essential things that you might need. Even unrelated documents piled up can prevent you from performing and finishing the task promptly.


Make a “go-bag” with all the essential things you need – chargers, pens, documents. A ‘go-bag’ keeps everything you need and prevents you from forgetting anything when you travel.


4: Add plants, place air fresheners, open windows, adjust brightness, and lightning

Many studies agree that certain scents and aroma can trigger memories and boost brain activity. It shows that certain scents can improve moods and change emotional responses. Live plants help create a more encouraging work environment by purifying the air. Add plants and your favorite scents to create a positive ambiance in the office.


Furthermore, selecting a workstation near the windows through Desk Management systems promote productivity, increase positivity, and improves your health. If you are working inside the office with no access to natural lighting, place a warm light desk lamp to create a more relaxing environment.


5: Take frequent small breaks away from the computer screens.

Staring at monitors and computer screens for too long can take a toll on your eyes. Use anti-glare or anti-radiation glasses when you are working on the screen daily.


Perform the eye doctor’s advice on the 20-20-20 rule.

·         Look away from your computer or gadget screen every 20 minutes

·         Look at something green or an object at 20 feet away

·         Look away for 20 seconds


Short breaks can significantly help reduce eye strain and prevent squinting of your eyes. Break time allows workers to refresh their thoughts, go back to work, feeling more rejuvenated, and to avoid work burn out. Switching tasks can help you restart your thought processes, but be careful not to overdo it because task switching can be counter-productive and distracting.

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