COVID19 Era Is the Best Time to Implement Conference Room Booking Solutions

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way companies work. Team members work from home or just a few hours in the office. Most of the time, it may seem absurd to use Conference Room Booking solutions with people out of the office. But the fact that the offices are partly empty, installing hardware and customising your conference room and desks will have the most negligible impact on productivity. Fewer people at the venue will make the process quick and smooth as fewer obstructions exist.

This era of social distancing will stay indefinitely. And conference room booking solutions can help you manage your conference room that complies with the COVID-19 protocols.

Now, the question is, how can conference room software help you adapt to the changes brought by the pandemic?

Set Room Capacity

Companies are now reopening their workspaces and offices. As they resume their operations, people must work within 6 feet away and have fewer gatherings with few attendees. 


When booking conference rooms, you can limit how many people can enter the conference room for each meeting. Small gatherings reduce the risk of virus spread among team members. 

Quick Contact Tracing Process

Just one sick team member can infect more colleagues or the whole office. It implies a decline in productivity and threatens everyone's safety. Before the virus spreads, the manager must act quickly and accordingly. 


When booking conference rooms, the organiser can use the DeskFlex conference room software to let team members log in and input their personal information into the system. With readily available data, the manager can quickly trace those who associate with the infected person and isolate them before infecting others. 


Schedule Automatic Disinfecting of Rooms After Use

The virus is contagious. It can spread to the things around you, including the door handle, chairs, tables, etc. So, cleaning and disinfecting every after and before use is necessary for conference rooms.


The DeskFlex conference room software has automatic scheduling of workspaces. The user can set the meeting time limit when booking conference rooms, and the cleaning staff will receive alerts that signal them to clean the room. 

Benefit from Your Empty Offices with the DeskFlex Conference room booking solutions!

Implementing Conference Room Software amid the Coronavirus provides two main reasons and benefits. First and foremost, no one can tell when the next global epidemic will come when nearly all team members are out of their offices. Now is the best time to implement conference room booking solutions to manage your booking conference rooms and workspaces efficiently without impacting productivity. 


Second, not everyone will recover from COVID-19 the same way. Other companies are reopening offices, while another remains closed. Others are gaining from the effects it brings, while some are struggling because of the loss of their incomes. Improving your conference rooms and workspaces will help your company recovers quickly compared to other businesses in your industry. 




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